Partridge Island

Partridge Island, across the Bay of Fundy from Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia, is the site of many Kluskap legends. These stories, passed down through generations of Mi’kmaw people, describe the natural world where our ancestors lived. Many describe local landmarks where our people could find resources necessary for their survival.

On Partridge Island you can still discover semi-precious stones like amethyst and jasper, as well as other glass-like rocks our ancestors used in tool making.

Partridge-cooking-pot-350pxThe Island is also the site of an unusual phenomenon — Kluskap’s grandmother’s cooking pot. When the tides come in twice daily, air trapped in the basalts is forced out, making the water bubble like a cooking pot.

5 responses to “Partridge Island”

  1. Ida denny says:

    Is there a name in mikmaq for amethyst.

  2. Linda weatherbee says:

    Love visiting Partridge Island, great hiking trail and the view of the Bay of Fundy is spectacular from the top!

  3. anne marchand says:

    Hello there

    I’m wondering when you will open up. I haven’t been to Parrsboro and I’d love to take my grandchildren to see and hear the stories of our ancestors. Can you please provide me with this information? We would love to tour the magical places 🙂


    Anne Marchand
    Potlotek, N.S

    • MDCC says:

      Hello Anne. The Centre is not yet built but we are very close. We are currently trying to raise the remaining funds needed to make this project a reality. You can follow us on social media for updates, and you are always welcome to reach out to our Communications Officer if you have additional questions at Wela’liek.

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