A Resource for Teaching Mi’kmaw Lived Experience
The full version of the Roots of Reconciliation resource will be released in 2024.

How to Use this Resource (Web Version 1.0)
The full-length print version of this resource (coming 2024) will have two components:
- A primary volume (Volume I) will contain all learning experience descriptions and contextual information;
- A secondary volume (Volume II) will contain all of the supplementary materials including reproducible graphics and worksheets.
For this WEB VERSION we have created a single .pdf for each learning experience that includes the learning experience description AND the supplementary materials.
How this Resource is Organized
The learning experiences are grouped into three levels:
Each level has themed sections. At the beginning of each level there is an introduction to the content for that level; each theme also has an introduction. These introductions are good ways for teachers to determine how to proceed with their learners.

Learning Experiences
The learning experiences for each theme describe the activity with an overview, learners will section and a focus section. There are also additional resources noted.

Pe! blocks
The Pe! blocks in each learning experience highlight the content required for the learning experience and notes where teachers and learners can gain content required for success. (Pe! means wait! Or hang on! in Mi’kmaw.)

Teacher Tips
Lastly, throughout the volume teachers will find tips that anticipate challenges with particular learning experiences. We hope these will help increase success with learners and support teachers as they use the learning experiences.

During the creation of this resource, many lengthy discussions were held about how to connect it to curriculum outcomes. Because the curriculum was undergoing revision, the authors decided not to link content to specific outcomes. Despite this, the authors have worked with general curriculum outcomes as well as age-appropriate strategies to develop Roots of Reconciliation and ensure it will be useful to teachers. This resource is designed to be adapted, scaled and modified to meet a wide range of cross-curricular needs and outcomes.
All supplementary materials for the online version are found bundled as part of the learning experience pdf. This includes worksheets, graphics, discussion guidelines, and any other supporting content. ALL graphics and worksheets and other material have been designed to be reproduced and/or enlarged from 8.5” x 11” to 11” x 17” if needed.
Materials included in this volume are used for non-profit educational purposes and may be reproduced for the same purpose unless otherwise noted. Artwork, images and other content are either owned by the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre, or used with explicit permission; no artwork, images or other content may be used for any other purpose than non-profit educational use.
Roots of Reconciliation Cover Art by Daphne Perley
Proudly Supported by RBC